We are dedicated to providing open and honest orthodontic care with transparent pricing.
When you decide on orthodontic treatment, your Specialist Orthodontist at The Old School House Orthodontic Centre will create a fully personalised treatment plan, clearly explaining the recommended treatment along with all options that may be available to you, including with the relevant fee. There are no hidden costs or surprises.
Fees for teeth straightening treatment can vary from patient to patient, depending on the complexity of the individual case, the materials used and the length of treatment. Your Specialist Orthodontist will be able to discuss your treatment options with you at your consultation.
We also offer payment plans to help spread the costs of your routine care. Our latest treatment prices are below.
Initial consultation | £139.00 |
Records and consultation | £139.00 |
Fixed brace | £4,725.00 |
Iconix fixed brace (champagne) | £5,275.00 |
Upper ceramic/lower silver brace | £4,895.00 |
Ceramic fixed brace | £5,275.00 |
Invisalign® treatment | £4,995.00 |
Home teeth whitening | £389.00 |
Bonded retainer (one arch) | £269.00 |
For children who may not qualify for NHS treatment, we have developed straightforward fixed metal braces.
Initial examination - NHS referral | Free if NHS assessment completed |
Initial examination - private referral | £139.00 |
Records and consultation | £139.00 |
Single arch fixed brace | £2,605.00 |
Upper & lower fixed brace | £3,595.00 |
Upper & lower ceramic fixed brace | £3,895.00 |
Removable appliance & fixed brace | £3,932.00 |
Bonded retainer (one arch) | £269.00 |
Portman Dental Care Awards